Tboli or taboli are the peace loving people of Mindanao in Southern philippines. They are known as dreamweaver’s of the hand-woven Tnalak made of abaca fibers. Tbolis are found in three municipalities: Muhin in Kiamba and Maitum and Maasim in Sarangani province.

Madal Sloung be knibang - Dancers showing the beauty and colorful attire of Tboli Princess or Boi
Madal Tahu - True dance of the Tboli imitating the movement of Knaban the elder sister of Tudbulul, the Tboli mythical hero.
In Tboli means “never ending joy” and also named as their yearly festival held every November to celebrate their rich culture and traditions.
Kadal Blelah*
Kadal is a Tboli meaning to imitate. Kadal Blelah portrays a mythical bird, which according to tradition, consolidates in itself the feather coloration of all known birds.
A polygamous male picks his next wife amongst sisters vying for his attention.
*inspired from Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company
**inspired from Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group
Note: The word “Tagabili” is not a proper term to refer to the Tboli people. This is a term used by the settlers when Tboli community purchased from them.

Illustration by: Don Aguillo | Photo: This Is It Photography | Feature Image: Kimberly Requesto
Culture bearers: Boi Rosie Sula, Datu Allen Sula, Lyn Buti Lambago, Silid Awed